Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Melissa Etheridge - "The Death of St. Jimmy" - I don't think so- just the beginning!

Melissa Etheridge in American Idiot on Broadway!
I wish I could be there to see this!
She's rocking the roll of St. Jimmy in this fabulous musical about this generation post 9/11 based on the Green Day album of the same name!
It also includes other numbers from 21st Century Breakdown, and many other favorites!


I saw this show back in previews on Broadway and I have to tell you- this performance makes me super happy!

Also in case your wondering- heres one of the clips someone "illegally" recorded mind you- but because I was curious of her performance check this out!

:) Bootlegs are fun- but don't ruin the whole show for those who haven't seen it people!

Mind you my shout out here goes to Melissa! AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!
Brings back so many good memories!

Also Starring:
John Gallagher Jr. (You might know him as Jesse on Fox's GLEE)
Stark Sands
Michael Esper
Rebecca Naomi Jones
The Extraordinary Girl
Christina Sajous
Jeanna de Waal

If your on Broadway soon- check this out!

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