Tuesday, October 9, 2012

If I had 1000 words?

I think the first thing I would want to say would be that I love my family. I love my mom for having raised me almost single handed and doing things for me my whole life. My grandparents for always teaching me new things, and sharing wisdom they have learned with me. I would thank friends whom I have had for coming into my life and teaching me what it is that I know today, leaving a hand print/blueprint for me to follow on occasion. I would want all that on the top of my list. I also would want people to know that the "golden rule" - really is important. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. You constantly see people talking about being bullied, or being treated different. The world we live in today could be much more peaceful if we learned to see the "good" in everyone, and realized everyone has faults. It is a singular journey to ourselves to constantly improve those things we know that are not the best in us. It is something I myself struggle with all the time, with that said, others can help us or hinder us. Treating others the way we want to be treated ensures a peaceful environment of which to grow and thrive in- and that is important. I would also want to say thanks to those who have ever offered me a seat at their table, fed me, clothed me, or gave me a warm place to stay. People, including myself often take the little things for granted. Once again, this is something I struggle with in today's world, when the ads on T.V. or that we see from day to day tells us something bigger and better is out there. Everyone tends to run after those things without first appreciating the first things we have in life. I think there is so much more that can be said, but after watching the movie with Eddie Murphy entitled "A Thousand Words" - the thought above came to mind. With that said- what kinds of things might you want to say if you only had a thousand words? have you ever thought about it?

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